thx Hugofrost for the osu!supporter giveaway <3 thx for endless mirage santa for the osu!supporter giveaway <3 thx r_kt for the osu!supporter gift <3 <3 thx randomkidonthestreet#7479 for 4 months osu supportee <3<3 thx mysterious person for the 6 months osu supporter gift <3<3<3 thx mimasu for minceraft <3[ thx mimasu for 4 months osu supporter <3 thx embedosu for a month osu supporter <3 thx uh if forgor whats your name :skull: but thank you for a month <3 thx mimasu again for osu uspporter <3 uh thx uniturtlrturtlr for a month supporter (accident) ig thx sawa for giving me your phone number to help get around my twitter suspension lol